The Unbelievable Mediocrity of
David Crowe:
Why Rethinking AIDS has the president it deserves
Update: Crowe croaked in July 2020.
This page documents his destruction of the AIDS dissident movement.
Many important documents by the Perth Group are posted on this site only and not at
'What your actions have in common is they are directed against the Perth Group.'
The Perth Group to Crowe, 3 December 2008
'The focus on AIDS is in South Africa and Anthony knows more about this and the drugs used there than anybody else. … What stands out about Anthony is that although he is not a scientist he has extensive scientific knowledge. ... As a result of his training, intellect, interest, hard work and burning desire to help his people Anthony was able, more than anybody else, to see the harm that Crowe has done to the dissident movement. Without any effort to find out the facts or even to read the summaries put in front of them in The Perth Group Response To David Crowe Re The Parenzee Hearing document, Celia and others, including the RA Board of Directors, expressed full support for Crowe's interference in the Parenzee case.'
The Perth Group: public statement dissociating from Crowe's Rethinking AIDS group, September 2009
'There is no doubt that Crowe has done a lot of harm to the Perth Group. But the harm he has done us is insignificant compared to the harm he has done the dissident movement, to Peter himself and to those at risk of AIDS.'
The Perth Group to the AIDS dissident community: 'Is the dissident science “highly questionable”, “embarrassing” and “damaging”?', September 2010
'Crowe has destroyed the dissident movement, and you can quote me.'
Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos to Brink, May 2011
READ: A History of Rethinking AIDS (not
to be confused with the Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS
Hypothesis). Compare it with the official HISTORY (formerly 'About RA') – but then
what do you expect if Crowe wrote it?
READ: Some clarification of the Perth Group's contributions
to 'HIV'/AIDS debate – a summary of their work which Crowe
refused to publish on the RA website. Now why would he do a thing like that?
READ: Commencing with Brink's 'tokoloshe
letter' on
23 July 2009, the main action in the discussion of Crowe's conduct as RA
president at (redacted from the full thread to cut the noise), saved and
archived here before the host got nervous and pulled it from his server – and
later conspired with Crowe's supporters to steal
the entire forum; see
READ: How Crowe sabotaged the Parenzee case: pertinent
excerpts from an email exchange between him and the Perth Group, together with
their comments. The Perth Group found Crowe's further
response to
their indictment of his conduct just too feeble to reply to. (More hard evidence
subsequently emerged of his fatal interference in the case, as well as his
deceitfulness about it, all of which is canvassed in the Perth Group's statement
dissociating from RA below).
READ: Appendix I: the Perth Group go
looking for RA past president Professor Etienne de Harven's famous Friend murine leukaemia virus, and just don't
find it.
READ: Appendix II: the Perth Group
relate how Harvey Bialy blew the first absorption experiment agreed at the
second meeting of Mbeki's AIDS Advisory Panel and contrived to ensure that the
pivotal isolation experiment was never conducted.
READ: Brink's and other posts at the
HIVAIDSPARADIGM discussion forum, 25 July–30 September 2009, pointing up Crowe's
dismal performance as president of RA and his habitual dishonesty.
READ: The RA board (= Crowe) responds to
criticism of Crowe by posting a notice supporting him on 12 August 2009 on their website, specifically endorsing his conduct in sabotaging the
Parenzee case, notwithstanding that they'd formally resolved that he and other
members of the RA board/group must stay out of it.
READ: Sadun Kal taxes Crowe on RA's
failure to do anything about 'the Duesberg effect', the way his 'pseudoscience'
dominates AIDS orthodox/dissident discourse; and as usual Crowe replies
contemptibly poorly (28 August–12 September 2009).
READ: Is AZT a DNA chain
terminator? The phenomenal stupidity of David Rasnick.
READ: The Perth Group's commentary
on the Rethinking AIDS Trap brochure, September 2009.
READ: 'The AIDS Trap' as an illustration
of the quality and level of AIDS science promoted by RA president Crowe and his
READ: The Perth Group formally
dissociates from Rethinking AIDS in view of 'irreconcilable differences', 18
September 2009.
READ: 'Citizen Crowe': Janine
Roberts details how Crowe tried hijacking her Letter to Science project;
and in a covering comment Brink explains how the episode vividly laid bare
Crowe's sickening unscrupulousness, egocentricity, and megalomania.
READ: 'The so-called Letter
to Science,'
writes Claus Jensen (see also RA's press release announcing it), 'has been touted as
a great success by its authors, Janine Roberts and David Crowe, and it is
generally considered one of Rethinking AIDS's success stories.' In fact it was a
shambles: 'The Roberts-Crowe Letter to Science has indeed caused damage, but not
to Gallo or Science. It has served to redirect focus from the real scientific
issues to peripheral and largely irrelevant questions of editorial practices in
Gallo's lab, as well as made the signatories the laughing stock of the
scientific establishment.' Roberts responds; Jensen and Eugene Semon reply. Crowe's moronic reaction: 'Those
who can't, or won't, criticize...'; Roberts responds
Brink, Jensen, West, and Semon all reply further.
READ: Jim West performs a close reading of RA/Roberts/Crowe's
Letter to Science and finds it 'mostly falsehood,
innuendo, and drama. It arrogates prior dissident and orthodox work. It requests
the retraction of the 1984 Gallo papers, claiming they don't prove HIV
causation, yet neitherPopovic nor Gallo claim proof of causation. With false
evidence, it portrays a deliberately fraudulent Gallo, portrays Popovic contradicting Gallo, and portrays
differences between draft and published paper. It mixes and confuses.' Roberts responds and West replies.
READ: Crowe comes out in defence of the
Letter to Science, and Brink replies.
READ: In Deconstructing Duesberg:
A Critique of 'HIV-AIDS hypothesis out of touch with South African AIDS – A new
perspective', Claus Jensen points up the defects in Duesberg's failed
attempt at debunking Chigwedere
et al. 'Estimating the Lost Benefits of Antiretroviral Drug Use
in South Africa',
JAIDS 49(4):410–15,
1 Dec 08; Duesberg circulates a rebuttal nominally drawn by a third party (but co-written
by Crowe: it's
marked all over with his characteristically vapid style of verbose
argumentation, his favourite limp turns of phrase, his anodyne rhetorical
tricks, and generally his fingerprint stupidity and dishonesty); Jensen responds
by asking Duesberg some
questions arising – which as usual go unanswered
(Duesberg habitually pretends he has trouble hearing whenever asked hard
questions); Duesberg challenges Jensen to write his own critique of the
Chigwedere et al. paper, and Jensen obliges: here's the first part and here's the
READ: The Perth Group ask Crowe to
read a one-line statement at his RA conference in Oakland, San Francisco, on 6–8
November 2009, confirming that they have dissociated themselves from RA on
account of 'irreconcilable scientific and ethical differences' (note: 'ethical differences' too); and in typically
stupid and dishonest terms Crowe refuses, thereby misleading the conference
READ: Veteran AIDS dissident
Michael Ellner of NYC notifies his reasons for boycotting the RA conference. More sharp observations in December 2011.
READ: Watch
Michael Tracey, the famous
bumbler aptly picked by Crowe to deliver the keynote speech,
tell the RA conference: 'It seems to me that it is overwhelmingly clear that you
have the argument on your side. ... The question you have to ask yourself is
where do you go from here tactically and strategically? As I say, tactically and
strategically what do you? I actually think – I was talking with Clark Baker ...
an ex-cop and I think he has a superb idea working with my friend Rodney
Richards sitting there (points) – you need a really bloody good trial.' Well
gee, isn't this what the Perth Group were saying
for years? And what happened when they finally landed 'a really
bloody good trial', an historical opportunity to have the existence of 'HIV'
judicially tried and determined? Contemptuous of an explicit resolution passed by the RA board to stay
out of the case, Crowe, a cell-phone businessman, comes bumbling in
and wrecks it – stupidly and dishonestly justifying himself
afterwards, deceitfully too (p11ff).
A letter to Georg von Wintzingerode explaining the tricks Crowe pulled at the RA
2009 conference.
Perth Group corrects Crowe's misrepresentation of their position concerning the
oxidative nature of semen.
The Perth Group respond to Crowe's abysmal ignorance concerning semen and AIDS
board member Charles Geshekter tries outsmarting the Perth Group on the subject,
and gets smartly sorted out.
The ever gushing lies of David Crowe ('Nobody spoke on [the Perth Group's]
behalf at RA 2009 and I am generally opposed to having speakers speak “on
behalf” of someone else.').
further gushing lies of David Crowe, and his slimy defamation of Brink. Exposing
which, Etienne de Harven's false charge that the Perth Group are scientific
plagiarists gets a close look.
READ: Claus
Jensen takes Etienne de Harven's so-called 'alternative' to pieces, and shows
that it's nothing more than a mangled version of the Perth Group's critique.
READ: Crowe
offers his usual sober perspective on himself and his accomplishments. Brink
begs to differ. Bauer butts in to teach by another fine example how debate
should be conducted among gentlemen.
READ: Sadun
Kal appeals to Crowe to engage with his critics, and gets told to bugger off.
READ: Sadun
Kal quits RA.
READ: The Perth Group on Etienne De
Harven's and Andrew Maniotis's 'unnecessary hypotheses' that 'HIV' is an 'endogenous retrovirus/endogenous retroviral sequence/retroid' – but with which
'unnecessary hypotheses', trying to sound clever and original, they stupidly
persist. See how playing the same game, always wanting to be the clever boy,
Maniotis first
omits to cite and then casually tries to discredit the Perth Group's
groundbreaking redox theory of carcinogenesis;
as the Perth Group privately remarked on his foolish reply, Maniotis evidently
hadn't bothered to actually read and understand their seminal redox paper.
Perth Group write to Celia Farber about her 'friend', her 'most admired friend
David Crowe'; the
unbelievably stupid claim on his website (saved here in
case Crowe tries removing it) that 'HIV' may
cure cancer ('interesting' he calls it; you'll see RA board member Henry Bauer goes
for it too, but then again old Henry even goes for sea monsters);
her belief in 'HIV' as a 'sexually transmissible retrovirus' (why, that's what
Peter Duesberg reckons) – and they ask why it 'frightens' her so much to
consider that 'HIV' might not have been proved to exist after all. Farber and Crowe reply
dismally. Check out Farber's completely screwed up, piddly,
incidental mention of the Perth Group's enormous scientific corpus in her
book 'Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS', and decide for yourself
whether her 'History of AIDS' is 'Uncensored' or not. See how Crowe can't even
get his most basic facts straight.
READ: Clark
Baker and RA attempt, once again, to muddy the waters, and Jensen explains, once
again, the simple facts of the Parenzee case.
READ: On 15 December 2009 the
Perth Group make public their dissociation from RA by way of a notice on their
READ: What's
happened to AIDSMYTHEXPOSED? (postscript: it's back).
READ: Claus
Jensen on Crowe's strategic genius.
Crowe contrived to ensure that the scientific leaders of the AIDS dissident
movement, the Perth Group, would not attend his Rethinking AIDS conference in
Oakland, California, in November 2009 – with reflections on the Parenzee case.
READ: Brink's
posts censored by Celia Farber with false justifications as she suppresses all
critical responses to her clueless
defence of Crowe's abortion of the Parenzee case on
her blog The Truth Barrier.
Perth Group responds to an open letter from Fabio Franchi; Crowe
READ: Here's
the 'cross-examination text' that Crowe falsely denied having written for Borick
to ask Gallo in the Parenzee case: 'I never wrote cross-examination text for
him,' he claimed in his response to
the Perth
Group's indictment of his fatal interference in the case – a
blatant lie, the Perth Group discovered subsequently and pointed out in theirstatement
dissociating from Crowe's RA group on 18 September 2009. See how, to
quote the Perth Group, Crowe's 'cross-examination text' is 'characterised by
questions which are mostly inconsequential, irrelevant, unconnected with the
agreed defence strategy and harmful, even to a “HIV exists but does not cause
AIDS” strategy'. (Note: the black ball-pen marks are Eleni
READ: Crowe's prodigious dishonesty on the board of the
Alberta Greens, continuing after being thrown off it; see supporting documents
READ: Crowe has a go at blackmail, with lies,
to extort the withdrawal of litigation against him for an order preventing him
and his friends from continuing to conduct themselves as executive members of
the Alberta Greens, after being voted out at a party meeting, and after agreeing
not to continue pretending they were still in charge: two affidavits (note:
Anglin has never worked in New York).
Crowe is sued again for an order directing him to hand over financial
information unlawfully withheld from the Alberta Greens Party Society.
READ: Transcripts of the Perth Group's
evidence in the Parenzee case, which Crowe refused to buy at their request with
the money Jim Wolfe gave him specifically to support them; with a link to the
Perth Group's PowerPoint slide presentations of their evidence.
READ: Transcripts of the prosecution
witnesses' evidence, summations, and judgment; and further appeals in the
Parenzee case.
READ: The Perth Group's open letter to Professor Jean Umber
concerning his article 'What if HIV was simply a natural sign of cellular
death (apoptosis)' posted by Crowe on his ARAS website, '(copyright 2007 – Jean
Umber and the Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society)' – which is to say, these ideas
belong to Jean Umber and David Crowe. Claus Jensen comments on Umber's
latest theory, and the Perth Group respond.
READ: Perth Group founder Eleni
Papadopulos-Eleopulos's critical comments and suggestions on the draft of Henry
Bauer's article 'Iatrogenic Harm following “HIV” Testing', sent to her for peer
review by Journal of American Physicians and
Surgeons editor Lawrence Huntoon. As with his
previous article that he got Huntoon to send her to review (see her 'P.S.'),
Bauer ignored her comments concerning both his science and his ethics, and
Huntoon proceeded to publish Bauer's dismal article as is, without heeding them either.
READ: A letter sent by Brink and
Jensen to the editor of Journal of American
Physicians and Surgeons about Henry Bauer's
dismal articles 'Incongruous Age Distributions of HIV Infections and Deaths from
HIV Disease: Where Is the Latent Period Between HIV Infection and AIDS?' and 'HIV Tests Are Not HIV Tests', published in 2008 and 2010. (Too long, responded
editor Lawrence Huntoon, only '500 words or less' could be considered.)
READ: Brink's open letters to RA board/group member
Christian Fiala on science and politics and his dissident conference in Vienna,
July 2010.
The Perth Group ask the dissident community in an open
letter: 'Is the dissident science “highly questionable”, “embarrassing” and
“damaging”?' With a hard look at the science and the ethics of Etienne de Harven
and Henry Bauer.
READ: A note from the Perth Group
concerning the Zapata
AZT wrongful death case (read
the incredibly ineptly drawn complaint by Duesberg's and Leppo's attorney). It
turns out that the deceased didn't even have cancer as alleged – as alleged
caused by AZT: he died of a disseminated fungal infection: see paragraphs 49 and
50 of the GlaxoSmithKline's expert's report. See Andrew Maniotis's useless,
characteristically unfocused, gushing go at rebuttal.
READ: The Brains Behind RA: In January 2000, then
Rethinking AIDS president David Rasnick (later to pick Crowe to start and run
the current RA group) responded to eight scientific questions about AIDS put to
him by South African President Thabo Mbeki. In a submission to Mbeki in March,
the Perth Group corrected all Rasnick's elementary scientific mistakes. Rasnick
responded a few days later. Read him and weep.
READ: Professor Marco Ruggiero's
Existential Virology by Claus Jensen. Some basic questions by the Perth Group
that RA's new scientific star is evading.
READ: Beneath Ruggiero's Rainbow by Fabio
Franchi. Ruggiero's dubious history with GcMAF.
READ: An exchange between Crowe and the
Perth Group, July 2011. It's a model illustration of Crowe's pusillanimity,
presumptuousness, cringing aggressive-defensiveness, crooked small-time
political huckster debating style, insincere obsequiousness, bone-headed
scientific ignorance, psychological projection, fundamental dishonesty, and
general intellectual mediocrity. The Perth Group redirect him to the essential
issues he constantly avoids.
READ: A letter to RA group/board member
Roberto Giraldo.
READ: Crowe plugs Duesberg on Facebook.
READ: Terry Michael dissociates from RA.
READ: Crowe cans his Washington
READ: Steve Stannard talks with Claus
Jensen on 'The
"HIV" Symposium' blog about
the London launch of Joan Shenton's film 'Positively False - Birth of a Heresy'
and the issues that hinder us. Plus Norman Finkelstein on civility in discourse,
quoted below the exchange.
READ: Revisiting Etienne de Harven's claim to fame. (He quits RA in November 2011.)
READ: Maniotis still pushing his
READ: The basic questions posed by the
Perth Group that Crowe repeatedly promised then refused to answer; plus the
Perth Group responds to Eugene Semon.
READ: The Perth Group set Andrew
Maniotis straight on DNA recombination which he thinks is Christl Meyer's novel
The Perth Group: 'The HIV Puzzle':
In June 2012 Martin Barnes held an AIDS dissident conference in the south of
France. The issue topping hisagenda was 'The HIV puzzle -- what is
being measured?' The Perth Group answer the question and address the legal
strategy implications arising from it.
The Perth Group and Andrew Maniotis
talk about cancer, September 2012.
READ: The Perth Group comment on
responses to their article, 'The HIV Puzzle'.
READ: How David Crowe lost the Parenzee
case in three appeal applications to the Supreme Court of South Australia, the
Court of Criminal Appeal of South Australia, and the High Court of Australia,
and then persistently lied about it afterwards.
READ: The Perth Group revisit the matter
of 'retroviruses' in their 'Comments on Martin Barnes's Vers Pont du Gard
Conference Report', 18 April 2013
READ: The Perth Group's letter to David Crowe after he
wrecked the Parenzee case, 1 June 2008.
The Perth Group to Tommy Morrison concerning
the Maniotis petition, and an exchange following it, 5 May 2011.
'Has the Dissident Movement
Crumbled?' by the Perth Group, June 2012.
page is maintained by Anthony
Brink, chairman of the Treatment Information Group. All
writing is his, unless indicated otherwise. Click here to